With an estimated 500 million + tinnitus sufferers worldwide the tinnitus market is worth millions of dollars. Millions of people around the world are scouring the Internet everyday looking for information and help on how to relieve their troubling tinnitus.
A multi faceted powerful system to end tinnitus suffering
there simply is no other online system like this
Our product meets this huge demand with flying color, we bring a high quality, unique and effective tinnitus eradication program.
The main product is priced at $47.99 and we are offering you 75% commission for every customer you bring in. Very soon we will be introducing 3 new upsells which you will also get 75% commission for, meaning you can earn more than $100 per sale, so your average commission will be huge!
We do not want to saturate the market with our product, so we will be limiting the amount of affiliates who sell this unique product. So, you could be on one of the first affiliates who is earning thousands of dollars every day by promoting our product to various audiences.
Sure, there are other tinnitus products online, which you can promote, but most of them are oversaturated with too many affiliates for you to even get noticed. Our product is fresh to the market, has a VERY UNIQUE SELLING POINT that the other products simply cannot deliver. Simply put, this product provides customers with unbelievable value through our video assisted programs. On a personal note, We actually care about our affiliate team, so we respond to any affiliate's email within hours to help you with any of your promotions. After all, when you succeed - we all succeed.
Get started today by creating your referral link below. You can then use some of the tools we have provided (banners, articles, emails) to help promote The Tinnitus Retrain System, let us know if you need anything at anytime. We are always happy to help you.
A multi faceted, powerful, unique tool to end troubling tinnitus.
Help Sufferers Break Free From The Chains of Tinnitus
Why Promote The Tinnitus Retrain System?
- UNIQUE: No other tinnitus eradication product quite like this one on the market. Get in on the ground level with a unique, effective product opportunity
- HIGH CONVERSTION RATE: These days people want more value for money, the tinnitus retrain system delivers just that, this isn’t just an eBook, this is a video assisted program that comes complete with an almost 500 page eBook.
- HUGE MARKET: With an estimated 500 million people suffering from tinnitus worldwide and an ever aging, tech savy population, this market isn’t shrinking.
- LOW REFUND RATE: Due to there being video tutorials along with an extensive eBook refund rates are extremely low.
- SUPPORT: Be part of a small, dynamic, successful team. Checkout our marketing tips and techniques at the Tinnitus Retrain resource center and Feel free to ask questions or give suggestions at
- FULL CREATIVE MEDIA SUITE: From email swipes to an assortment of banners, we cover everything for an effective and creative promotional campaign. Load up on banners, PDFs, mini eBooks, in depth articles, text ads, book reviews, and tweets, marketing advice, Images. Everything you’ll need for a successful campaign. Plus we are committed to constantly improving our brand and will continuously provide, new and updated media and additions to the Tinnitus Retrain System.
- HELPING PEOPLE: Last but not least we are in the business of helping people. The backbone of the tinnitus retrain system is helping tinnitus sufferers to help themselves!
You can earn plenty of money, whilst feeling good about helping others!
So, Let’s Get Started!
To start promoting The Tinnitus Retrain System you need to be a registered user of Click2Sell.They will track all the referrals and purchases and send out your payments every week. If you don't have a Click2Sell account, you can join for free by: clicking here.
Once you have your click2Sell account, just click the link below to generate your own unique affiliate ID url.
You can then distribute that link all around the Internet, and visitors will be directed to our website, whereupon purchase, you will receive 75% of the sale.
Promotional Methods
Familiarize Yourself With The World Of Online Marketing And Read our Tinnitus Retrain Marketing Tips and Techniques: TRS Marketing Tips and Techniques.
Please Use Our Varied Suite of Effective Affiliate Marketing tools
TRS Affiliate Text Ads
Text ads are always effective and should be utilized as part of your successful affiliate campaign. Be creative with your text ads, the more descriptive and succinct the better, use the book cover or provided images for a more slick and quality look. However try and keep your ads professional sounding and not too quaky or unbelievable. There are many examples of good quality copy in the TRS affiliate center, feel free to copy and paste. Text ads are a great addition to your newsletters, e-zine articles, website, blog posts, product reviews or product section of your website. Place your text ad in a visible place; use a quality image and some alluring text.
Also don’t forget text ads go well with a PPC campaign.
Ad examples for use:
#1 “My Mother suffered from debilitating tinnitus for most of her senior years. I’d seen an ad for something called the Tinnitus Retrain system and not thinking much of it I purchased the product for her. She was skeptical at first having tried several online e books in the past to no joy. But this was different, very different indeed. It works on the premise that your tinnitus discomfort is primarily an emotional condition and that a series of techniques, methods and lifestyle changes can help to rewire a new response and bypass the condition completely, essentially rendering your tinnitus ineffectual. Well guess what? My Mother’s tinnitus is no more. I highly recommend this product. Click here to visit website (Affiliate link)
#2 “As a yoga and meditation instructor Robert Richards, creator of the Tinnitus Retrain System personally shows you his highly effective and practical video assisted tinnitus self- habituation system. There is nothing else quite like this program on the Internet. Its unique, easy to grasp and highly effective. This now popular program does not depend on some external pill, herb, surgery, mechanical device or extreme detox diet to rid you of your tinnitus. It turns conventional thinking surrounding tinnitus on its head and goes to work right away on the true cause of your tinnitus suffering. (Affiliate link)
#3 “With The Tinnitus Retrain System, there are no drugs, no pills, no extreme fasts, no detoxes, no herbs, no masking devices or anything of an extreme nature associated with this program. By locating and addressing the true source of your discomfort, you join a very elite few who have managed to treat their Tinnitus by breaking the habitual pattern of their suffering. Once you have mastered this, there is no going back—for you have essentially rewired your response to your tinnitus. (Affiliate link)
#4 “Two very important things you should know about your tinnitus! One is that the source of permanent relief is closer than you might think, in fact it’s staring you right in the face, yes, that’s right, it’s you! And two, the reason for your tinnitus suffering is also staring you right in the face, yes, right again, it’s also you! Click here, the answer is waiting. (Affiliate link)
#5 “People who depend on medication or complicated therapies for relief tend to fall back into Tinnitus despair eventually. They are dependent upon external factors to treat something that originates from within. When treating Tinnitus in any way that does not take into consideration the body’s emotional relationship with the noise, you create a fragile situation—one that is set up to eventually fail. Find out how you can effectively treat your tinnitus without the use of drugs, herbs, vitamins, costly therapies or quaky diets. (Affiliate Link)
#6 “Tinnitus doesn’t just affect your life—your life affects Tinnitus! Approaching tinnitus purely on a physical level with a quick fix mentality will not only fail, but also encourage system deficit elsewhere in the body. Want to truly break free from the chains of tinnitus in an effective, safe, practical manner, without the use of drugs, herbs, vitamins, detoxes, fasts or any additional products? (Click here) New online video assisted program reveals unique, advanced methods for tinnitus eradication. (Affiliate Link)
#7 “Tired of gimmicky tinnitus products that promise all and deliver nothing? I was too, that’s why I created the tinnitus retrain system the only online video assisted tinnitus eradication program of its kind. Break free from the chains of tinnitus once and for all with this new ground braking self-help, self-habituation system. (Affiliate link)
#8 This Email/Newsletter is sponsored by:
#1 Most reliable alternative health treatment for tinnitus. Your journey towards tinnitus freedom begins here (Affiliate link)
#9 “Is tinnitus a sign of hypersensitivity? Find out why your ears have become so sensitive and what you can do about it! This information might just change your life! (Affiliate link)
#10 "Rewire your response, regenerate your body, and fortify your mind. You can live free from the chains of Tinnitus. Reduce the ringing, relieve the agitation, be done with sleepless night, and join the hundreds that have already taken that all-important first step in a new tinnitus free direction. Give Tinnitus the silent treatment for a change...(Affiliate Link)
#11 Today’s email/newsletter is brought to you by “Eradicate your tinnitus naturally, safely and effectively. Try these simple, video assisted, self-treatment techniques and let me help you break free from tinnitus. (Affiliate link)
#12 “With the Tinnitus Retrain System (TRS) there are no drugs, no pills, no extreme fasts, no detoxes, no herbs, no masking devices or anything of an extreme nature. By locating and addressing the true source of your discomfort, you join a very elite few who have managed to treat their Tinnitus by breaking the habitual pattern of their suffering. Once you have mastered this, there is no going back—for you have essentially rewired your system. Want to find out more? (Affiliate link)
FREE Report
Feel free to distribute this 3 free sample PDF of Tinnitus Retrain System to potential customers. You can share it on PDF upload websites, slide sharing websites, social media, and on your landing pages. Be sure to edit the links at the bottom with your affiliate link using a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat (which has a free 30 day trial - no purchase required) or this free online editor.
Email Swipes
Small Email Swipe 1
Small Email Swipe 2
Small Email Swipe 3
Small Email Swipe 4
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Small Email Swipe 6
Small Email Swipe 7
Text Links
Text Links Example
- 2 Things You Absolutely Must Know About Your Tinnitus
- Learn to Listen Beyond Tinnitus
- Rewire Your Response to Tinnitus Now!
- Your Tinnitus Will Get Worse Unless You Do This!
- Bypass Your Tinnitus Today
- Reverse Ringing in The Ears
- Ringing in The Ears Eradicated!
- Simple Methods To Eradicate Tinnitus
- I Bet You’ve Never Done This For Your Tinnitus?
- Tinnitus Torment? You Could Be Hypersensitive
PPC Ads: (25 characters for title max) and (35 chars for each line max) Here is a link to a handy character counter for maximizing an effective campaign.
Of course, there is much more to managing a successful PPC campaign than just editing these ads and knowing how many characters you have. That’s why it is important to do the proper background research to ensure that you are targeting the right keywords.
But here a few examples of PPC ads, use these ads or tinker around with keywords and experiment with ad effectiveness yourself.
TRS Affiliates Review
TRS Logo Images

TRS Affiliate Banner Images
Animated Banners

TRS Affiliates Review
Article #1 Do you Have Tinnitus?
Article #2 Tinnitus, Are You Hypersensitive?
Article #4 Please Stop The Ringing in My Ears?
Article #5 Tinnitus, The Way Out Of Suffering
Article #6 Meniere’s Management Suffering From Meniere’s disease? You must read this!
TRS PDF News Articles
TRS Forum Signatures
#1. Learn to Listen beyond tinnitus, rewire your emotional response to the noise and bypass your condition for good. Discover a unique, proven and highly effective method. CLICK HERE: (Affiliate Link)
#2. Override tinnitus regardless of type, tone, pitch, volume or age, no gimmicks, no drugs, no herbs, no pills, no vitamins, no fasts or detoxes. Practical based, highly effective tinnitus habituation techniques that work. CLICK LINK (Affiliate Link)
#3. Studies show, people who rely on masking devices or traditional habituation therapy usually fall back into tinnitus despair eventually. And those who look for “quick fix” secret cures only end up intensifying their tinnitus. Learn how to eradicate tinnitus practically and effectively for good. CLICK HERE (Affiliate Link)
#4. Is tinnitus ruining your life? Is tinnitus running your life? Learn how to effectively eradicate your tinnitus without the use of drugs, herbs, gimmicks or masking devices. All natural, practical, video assisted system, proven to be highly effective. CLICK HERE (Affiliate Link)
#5. Is tinnitus driving you to the brink of despair? Join an elite few who have managed to banish their tinnitus using easy to master advanced habituation methods. Practical based, video assisted exercises that will have you listening beyond tinnitus in no time. CLICK HERE (Affiliate Link)
Twitter Ads
Twitter can be a useful way to promote the Tinnitus Retrain System.
Use these tweet examples or play around with your own creations. Please use your personal affiliate link inside of the tweets.
- Tinnitus? Rewire your emotional response, bypass your condition. Proven, highly effective method, learn more
- Override tinnitus no gimmicks, drugs, herbs, vitamins, fasts or detoxes. Habituation techniques that work.
- Join elite few who r tinnitus free, advanced habituation method. Practical, video assisted, Listen beyond tinnitus
- Those who look for quick fix secret cures end up intensifying their tinnitus. Learn to eradicate tinnitus safely
- Tinnitus, You are the cure, you are the cause. Practical, proven, effective, drug free, suffer no more
- Banish Tinnitus, safe, drug free, practical. The only online video assisted habituation program