I’m presuming if you’re reading this you are familiar with Meniere’s disease?Well, if not, here is a brief orientation of what the condition entails.
Meniere’s is a disorder of the inner ear, resulting in episodes of severe dizziness, vomiting, ringing in the ear/ears (tinnitus) aural pressure and brain fog. Meniere’s disease episodes tend to come in clusters; some individuals are affected on a regular basis, others perhaps just a few times a year. Most sufferers tend to have periods of remission where they are all but symptomless.
For some reason Meniere’s disease tends to attack individuals in there 40’s and 50’s, but not always.
Either way, the disease can be pretty debilitating and leave you anxious and nervous regarding another swift attack.
Meniere’s disease is not fatal, however with every attack ones aural health is left damaged, eventually Meniere’s sufferers can expect to be left with damaged hearing, tinnitus and balance issues. So far, there is no cure only management for Meniere’s disease.
One thing I noticed during my years of research and correspondence regarding the disease was that it seemed like everyone with Meniere’s disease had a slightly different story; triggers tended to vary as did reactions and severity of the condition.
So, it made sense to me that the only way to truly start manage the condition was to quantify and take into account all of the definable, unique characteristics of an individuals personal experience with Meniere’s disease.
In essence, become your own personal detective and test subject.
Due to the fact Meniere’s Disease is predominantly idiopathic and as yet there is no cure. The first step in meniere’s disease treatment for many is found in acceptance or coming to terms with this incurable condition. When you can come to terms with it and LEARN TO MANAGE IT! That wasted energy spent denying and fighting it can be redirected towards solutions and alternatives (this single act can have profoud effects)
The next step in Meniere’s disease treatment is to focus energy towards improvement of your current situation.
It’s all about self-empowerment; if anything, positive self-belief can take you a long way. So, one step at a time slowly begin to reconstruct a new future with Meniere’s.
Having a positive attitude towards the future is another conscious step towards your own Meniere’s disease treatment. Despite having an illness, decided to put things into perspective and appreciate all the positive things which are in your life (other than Meniere’s) We have a tendency to develop a myopic view of the world when we are suffering. Putting Meniere’s into perspective and developing a healthy, positive can-do attitude is essential for the healing process. It also helps to ward off negativity and depression.
Everything from diet, sleep, exercise, stresses and the thoughts you have regarding your life and your condition must be observed.
You’ll soon begin to notice clear patterns that correlated to your Meniere’s episodes. It is then you have the evidence and right attitude to start experimenting and making subtle adjustments in lifestyle.
It is recommended that one follows a low sodium, high nutrient, natural, clean eating plan which is in the tinnitus retrain guide. Cutting out the list of adrenal stimulating foods found in the tinnitus retrain guide has been known to be enough to make radical changes in some folks.
Making subtle adjustments to sleeping patterns, exercise in a different, more cognitive fashion, can result in less stress resulting in fewer episodes.
Pay attention to how emotions play a role in your condition, partaking in some interesting mind, body exercises, some of which work on altering how your nervous systems response to the condition can have a profound improvement. Slowly and steadily, consciously or unconsciously you’re rebuilding a new relationship with your condition.
Learn about the role that stress hormones played in your life and how they related to ear conditions https://www.tinnitusretrain.com/ringing-in-the-ears/. Overall there were some very interesting exercises, that one might never have imagine would help with thier situation. You can do a lot for yourself just in taking these simple, highly effective first steps in acceptance, self-empowerment, self-knowledge and attitude.
You might never be 100% Meniere’s free, but I’ve seen for myself Meniere’s disease conditions vastly improving, just from practicing acceptance and following these simple, practical steps. https://www.tinnitusretrain.com/menieres-disease/

Meniere’s might seem scary, depressing and out of control. But with some simple changes can bring big results!
Is TRS and effective Meniere’s Disease treatment?
The tinnitus retrain program begins by helping you to accept your condition, clearing away negative emotions surrounding your predicament and hindering the potential of developing a victim mentality, which according to psychologists can hinder improvement.
TRS comprehensively covers all the aspects of Meniere’s health from food, drink, quality of sleep, exercise, powerful supplementation and creative, helpful journal keeping in order to look for distinguishable patterns.
Techniques within the program help you to open up space between you and your condition and become more aware of your mind, body and emotions surrounding the Meniere’s effected life. As it is only here where you can truly begin to rebuild your life and your health.