Tinnitus Retraining Therapy – Relief for Constantly Ringing Ears
Are you sick of tinnitus RUINING your life?
If you have the mindset, which, happens to be shared, by most doctors and psychotherapists that tinnitus is a physical condition but “TINNITUS SUFFERING” is a subjective and emotional condition then TRS is for you.
Statistics estimate that up to 90% of the population will at some point be affected by tinnitus. However the vast majority of these people will either be untroubled or oblivious? So why is this? What is the difference between them and you? Before you say, “well my tinnitus is louder” research now tells us that it isn’t a matter of volume, pitch, tone or type that makes one person suffer and another not. What it all boils down to is your nervous system and how it reacts to the stimuli, in other words how you emotionally perceive the noise.
TRT is based on the principles that when you change the perception you change the reaction. There is no doubt that tinnitus is a physical phenomenon, however, the way in which it is perceived is entirely a subjective and emotionally based one. Those who “suffer” from tinnitus are generally hypersensitive they have (for many reasons) become acutely tuned to their tinnitus.
The methods behind the Tinnitus Retrain System evolved from the accepted belief that tinnitus suffering is an emotionally subjective condition.
Therefore we can conclude that the irritation one persistently feels associated with their tinnitus can effectively be dealt with by rewiring the nervous response to the sounds in the ears – i.e. teaching the mind to bypass the sounds, rendering them irrelevant to the sufferer. In other words HABITUATION: the diminishing of a physiological or emotional response to a frequently repeated stimulus.
So what exactly is TRS?
Well, unfortunately TRS is not an over night “miracle” tinnitus cure (wouldn’t that be great if they existed?) Neither is it a magical pill, vitamin, herb, diet or detox. In short TRS is a unique, highly effective retraining tool, using a exclusive and particular combination of cognitive tools, therapeutic methods and lifestyle modifications, with the soul aim of training the mind and body to ignore and override tinnitus to such a degree that the noise is no longer the issue that it once was.
Is this fanciful thinking? Not at all, in fact the science behind the methods, techniques and lifestyle modifications within the system are some of the most stead fast, proven and successful alternative habituation methods known to therapists.
These simple, proven and highly effective techniques, will serve to break the viscous cycle of tinnitus suffering
With our self-habituation system there are no drugs, no pills, no extreme fasts, no detoxes, no herbs, no masking devices, no special secrets or anything of an extreme nature. By locating and addressing the true source of your discomfort, you join a very elite few who have managed to treat their Tinnitus by breaking the habitual pattern of their suffering. Once you have mastered this, there is no going back—for you have essentially rewired your system.
At Tinnitus Retrain we understand that the power of “condition perception” is the first and foremost step in a successful tinnitus recovery. We give you the blue print for creating a powerful and lasting paradigm shift, TRS is delivered in an easy to follow, step by step fashion, we present the blue print to eradication tinnitus suffering, the rest is up to you.
Why it Works?
Tinnitus is a multi-faceted condition, which straddles the physical, psychological and emotional realm. That is why it cannot be approached with a “one quick fix” mentality.
By taking a completely subjective view of Tinnitus we can divide it into three categories; how an individual develops tinnitus in the first place, how an individual responds to tinnitus and how that individual will habituate to tinnitus.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy a cognitive based habituation process that can have a profound effect on the perception of your troubling tinnitus.
So, you might be thinking, “What’s the catch?” Well here it is. Our Tinnitus Retraining Therapy method takes a certain amount of commitment and willpower on your behalf. The program will effectively guide you, but the rest is up to you. The question is, are you ready? Have you had enough?
“One study found that patients who believed their tinnitus was out of their control showed the slowest progression to recovery!”
The Tinnitus Retrain System Difference:
There are no drugs, no pills, no extreme fasts, no detoxes, no herbs, no masking devices or anything of an extreme nature associated with this program. By locating and addressing the true source of your discomfort, you join a very elite few who have managed to treat their Tinnitus by breaking the habitual pattern of their suffering. Once you have mastered this, there is no going back—for you have essentially rewired your system.
TRS Tinnitus Retraining Therapy:
- Is the only video assisted program of its kind on the market
- Facilitates learning skills
- Creates peace of mind
- Does not rely on audio therapies
- Does not rely on psychiatric treatments
- Does not require risky, painful surgeries
- Does not use drugs, herbs, diets, detoxes, fasts, masking devices
- Works on all types of Tinnitus
- Is 100% safe and easy to adopt
Banish Tinnitus Permanently With This Unique,
Effective Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
People who depend on medication or complicated therapies for relief tend to fall back into Tinnitus despair. They are dependent upon external factors to treat something that originates from within. When treating Tinnitus in any way that does not take into consideration the body’s emotional relationship with the noise, you create a fragile situation—one that is set up to eventually fail. Repairing weaknesses, strengthening and balancing the system and covering all the bases to assure you a Tinnitus free future. We’ve covered the bases, now it’s up to you to hit that home run.
As the saying goes, healthy body, healthy mind. This program really does take into consideration the whole organism, from connective tissues and the circulatory system to the power of your thoughts. The Tinnitus Retrain System focuses on 7 powerful processes that must be taken into consideration and worked upon for complete health and eventual Tinnitus eradication. It is all natural, safe, practical and most importantly—effective. Once you embark on the Tinnitus Retrain journey, you’ll realize exactly what you’ve been missing. There is no other Tinnitus Retraining Therapy system online quite like this one.
Get your Tinnitus Retrain System copy now!!