Meniere’s Disease

We frequently receive emails asking if the Tinnitus Retrain system can help with Meniere’s disease.
For those who are familiar with Meniere’s disease you will know that this is a condition affecting the inner ear, causing recurring episodes of vertigo, vomiting, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear.
An episode might begin with fullness in the affected ear, increased tinnitus and decreased hearing. Severe vertigo follows, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This might last 20 minutes or several hours, before symptoms improve. Episodes seem to occur in clusters, but can have long periods of remission.
Meniere’s disease is a little understood condition where frequency, severity and duration of symptoms can vary from person to person.
Either way, the good news is this program can help you. It will not cure you of your disease, but it has had a profound affect on some individuals suffering with Meniere’s disease.
One of the frustrating aspects of Meniere’s disease is the unpredictable nature of the illness. Causing many sufferers to become isolated, depressed and anxious.
Do Not Despair

Finding Balance
From overall wellness, increased vitality and episode control, to how you manage your condition over the long term. The exercises, techniques and lifestyle modifications within the tinnitus retrain program have shown to be of great benefit to Meniere’s disease sufferers. Helping them to adopt powerful and progressive new skills, healthy habits and lifestyle changes all of which can build confidence and contribute to episode reduction and prevention.
It seems that Meniere’s disease can be exasperated by a myriad of conditions ranging from stress, allergy, diet, and exhaustion, to name but a few. Learning to track and recognize triggers both physical and emotional is highly advised and can be extremely helpful.
The seven pillars of the tinnitus retrain system can first of all help by offering an efficient way of tracking and monitoring daily habits, lifestyle choices and patterns, in order to spot and eliminate possible triggers. It will then aid you in the creation of easy to follow cheat sheets for quick, efficient, future reference and motivation.
The various exercises and techniques within the retrain system will bolster and restore the body’s systems, on both a physical and emotional level. Disarming and returning the nervous system to a calm, neutral state and balancing and stabilizing stress hormones. As well as releasing unresolved stress and trauma that can potentially contribute to more frequent episodes. Cognitive therapy can also help to alleviate anxiety and bolster self-confidence and self-awareness.
Some experts point to improper fluid drainage, injury or extreme tension as being a possible cause of Meniere’s disease, perhaps because of blockage, restriction, or anatomic abnormality. These can be exasperated by allergies, a weakened over burdened immune system or autoimmune problems (migraine is closely associated) our program offers techniques, which may counter these specific anomalies.
The more cognitive exercises and methods of the program will also help you deal with the emotional aspects and difficulties that come hand in hand with Meniere’s disease, which can prove to be just as problematic as the physical symptoms.
These exercises and techniques coupled with the low sodium, nutrient packed, tinnitus retrain eating plan will provide you with a powerful ally, helping to fortify, rebalance and support through an intelligent eating program. Slowly, gently and easily you’ll be ridding the body of stimulating compounds and toxic burden, all of which can curb the severity and frequency of attacks.

Let Food be the Medicine
A powerful list of helpful nutrients and supplements that seem to have had tremendous results for some Meniere’s disease sufferers is also reviewed and advised upon and provides a handy addition to the tinnitus retrain healthy eating guide. This rounds out a comprehensive, inclusive and ultimately powerful and effective approach to the condition.
Please remember not to self-diagnose when it comes to Meniere’s disease or any other ear related condition, including tinnitus and vertigo.
Many of the symptoms related to ear conditions could be the result of other potentially more serious illnesses, so it is paramount to get an accurate diagnosis from your healthcare provider.
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