What sounds like a very simple question, “how do I get rid of my tinnitus” can turn into an intrepid, disheartening journey for some.
So many times in the past I have gone from the ecstasy at the thought of an easy, quick fix solution to my tinnitus torment only to yet again sink into utter despair at the hands of yet another failed attempt to placate the ringing in my ears.
But before I get into how to get rid of tinnitus let me give you a brief history of my own experiences with tinnitus.
Before tinnitus insidiously crept into my life I took for granted the inner peace that we all at times neglect to fully appreciate.
I was running around like a mad man, running two businesses, paying off debts and trying to keep a relationship afloat. For many this sounds like a normal life in the 21st century. The reason why I’m mentioning this is because it all plays a part in the development of my (and most peoples) tinnitus. To truly overcome ones tinnitus you must explore the true nature behind most of your tinnitus suffering along with the root causes of tinnitus development. Primarily and importantly trying to understand the roll of tinnitus and stress is a great first step towards eventually overriding your nervous response to tinnitus.
For me during the early days of my tinnitus development the ringing was subtle. A slightly annoying ringing in my left ear accompanied by a muffled feeling. I didn’t think too much of it at first and went about my daily life at breakneck speed not knowing that tinnitus and stress had any relationship or correlation. After a few days/weeks, this slightly annoying ringing became more and more noticeable. Or was I simply beginning to pay more attention to it? Because as you probably already know, when you start to pay attention to your tinnitus it’s game over, you’re now eternally tuned in. However, this is not a bad thing, in actual fact it’s an inevitable thing for a tinnitus. This is the first phase in tinnitus suffering, the awareness phase.
The noise now amps to a whole new level of annoying and slowly begins to grate on your nerves. At this stage ones usual reaction is to think, “my doctor will fix this,” well, for those who have suffered from long-term tinnitus I do not need to remind you what a naive and ultimately futile thought this is. For unless it’s something obvious see my article on the causes of tinnitus Causes of Tinnitus your doctor will not be able to pin point what is wrong with you, they’ll tell you it’s wear and tear, old age, hearing damage, in other words, they don’t know exactly. For me this entailed multiple visits to doctors several rounds of Prednisone and an eventual diagnosis of tinnitus, which of course was followed by, “there is no cure”.
For some (including myself) this marked the beginning of an endless and fruitless chase for an answer to my tinnitus despair. You can read my whole story here My Storybut in brief I left no conventional stone unturned ENT specialists, MRI’s, C-Spine, dental examinations, x-rays all of which came up with nothing. When all was said and done all that was offered was anti depressants, anti anxiety medications, none of which I wanted to spend a lifetime on. So, trying to keep optimism high I subsequently began to explore the many alternative healing methods. None of which proved effective for me in relieving my tinnitus.
They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn, well, this couldn’t be a truer statement for me.
It was during this dark time I randomly met a gentlemen who had suffered from tinnitus for the majority of his adult life. To my surprise it was now at this unexpected time that the doorway leading out of my tinnitus suffering presented itself. With his help and direction an interesting shift in my attitude took place. A shift that truly became the bedrock behind the process of over coming my tinnitus.
When I say tinnitus and stress are closely related, what do I mean? Truly understanding the role stress plays in your relationship with tinnitus was a eureka moment. Stepping outside of your body and viewing you life subjectively becomes a powerful and ultimately transformative step. One that will ultimately make your life easier and happier in the long run. We all know that many health issues emanate from stress and it’s these signals (If heeded) that guide us to a better more relaxed, happier, healthier place. Exploring my relationship with stress made me aware of the subjective nature of tinnitus. This was to be the foundation of how I truly went from tinnitus sufferer to tinnitus freedom.
Let me first make it clear, there is no secret in how to get rid of tinnitus, no special herbs, vitamins, no drugs, no surgeries and no wishful thinking. Once I truly grasped and explored the difference between someone who has tinnitus and someone who is “Suffering” from tinnitus I began to see a correlation.
Let me ask you have you ever wondered why some people never seem to get bothered by their Tinnitus, while others simply cannot bare it? You might be surprised to know that it has nothing to do with the tone, pitch or volume of their tinnitus at all—But it has everything to do with their nervous system.
The essence in how to get rid of tinnitus is in first understanding your relationship with stress. Then and only then can you begin to explore the subjective nature of tinnitus and begin to train your brain to ignore tinnitus?
In closing over coming your tinnitus has everything to do with a term I coined called “Learning to Listen Beyond Tinnitus” Some can do this naturally, while others have to educate themselves on the true cause tinnitus suffering. Once you truly begin to explore the fascinating and subjective nature of tinnitus you’ll discover how you personally react to the ringing in your ears and it will in essence open up a doorway to your relief.
The only way you can reverse your long-term tinnitus suffering permanently is to learn the skills to train your brain to ignore tinnitus. By learning a series of unique, powerful, habituation techniques, coupled with cognitive behavior exercises and lifestyle changes you will change your relationship with tinnitus and ultimately change your life. When you train your brain to ignore tinnitus using specific, proven methods you are reengineering a relationship your body has with a deep seeded response. Unlike, medication, masking devices, herbs, vitamins or wishful thinking his method relies on no external force to help you, therefore you have no captive to a drug regime, you are not reliant on a machine, you are not subject to buying placebos month upon month…. You have changed you! These powerful, proven techniques and lifestyle changes radically helped me to rewire my response to my tinnitus and override my condition. It worked for me, and I know it will work for you