The one thing you need to know to overcome tinnitus
Tinnitus doesn’t have to be the bane of your life
The question I receive most of the time is “How can I stop my TINNITUS?” Tinnitus, that insidious, grating, high-pitched noise, which relentlessly hounds your life. It could present as a ringing, buzzing, whooshing, roaring or chirping, but whatever form it arrives it’s one of life’s most irritating conditions.
For those who suffer, the prognosis one usually receives from conventional medicine is that of a hopeless one. Persistent, despairing ringing which you ultimately have to “get used to!”
But there is one thing you need to know to overcome tinnitus and turn that conventional prognosis on its head. This one simple thing is a word and this word has the power to open up a whole new world, a world where living tinnitus free is a true possibility.
That one word is perception and it’s this little word, which when used within the correct context will change your life.
So you might be asking, what has the word perception got to do with this annoying ringing? And how can I stop my tinnitus?
Well in order to explain first let me ask you a question. With over 50 million people currently afflicted with tinnitus in the United States how come it’s only a very small percentage of them who actually suffers from tinnitus? And before you say, well, their tinnitus must be quieter than mine, think again. Research now tells us that it’s not the volume, tone, pitch or type of tinnitus that determines whether you’ll suffer or not. In actual fact it’s that little word perception which determines who will suffer and who will not.
How can I stop my tinnitus? Change your perception and learn to see tinnitus in a whole new light
You see although tinnitus is a physical affliction, it is also a subjective one. No two people experience the noise in the same way, what that comes down to is how your nervous system emotionally perceive the new stimuli.
Those who tend to suffer from tinnitus are less likely to naturally habituate over a short amount of time. They tend to lean towards being of the hypersensitive and hyperaware personality type.
Why their systems or personalities are this way is a whole other blog post (Or read more about it here)
But for the time being when initially answering the question how do I stop my tinnitus, all you need to know is that perception is the game changer for all those who suffer from tinnitus. And the good news is the way we perceive something is a learned behavior and tinnitus perception is one that can be changed.
Our unique tinnitus retraining is based on the principles that when you change the perception you change the reaction.
There is away out of tinnitus suffering
Tinnitus is a multi-faceted condition, which straddles the physical, psychological and emotional realm that is why it CANNOT be dealt with from something external (such as a magic pill or a herb) purely because its not an isolated condition such as a torn ligament, the core to the misery is sourced in your own perception, so the one pill fits all mentality simply will not work. Look at it another way your GP may put you on antidepressants, which are often prescribed for chronic tinnitus. Antidepressants seem to appease tinnitus suffering, however they do not get rid of the noise, they merely change your PERCEPTION. Newsflash, you can do this without powerful drugs!
TRT is an effective, simple, non-surgical, non-medical approach to tinnitus suffering based on tried and true techniques. TRS is a growing option or alternative for those who may be considering medication or invasive surgery.
The Tinnitus Retrain System is not a ‘quick fix fad of the moment’ nor is it a gimmick or ‘snake oil’ cure. There are no drugs involved, no fancy diets or detox regimes. TRS is practically grounded in cognitive theory; the foundation of the program is a unique, powerful combination of therapeutic techniques, methods and lifestyle modifications. It is the only video assisted self-help product of its kind on the market today. After 30 days on the TRS program you’ll no longer be asking, “how can I stop my tinnitus?”
There are two other words, which are important in your journey to override tinnitus and those are perseverance and patience. At TRS we give you the blueprint but the rest is up to you. The next question you need to ask yourself is, are you ready for change? Have you had enough of tinnitus?