It is important to realize that most people looking for a tinnitus cure or long-term relief from their tinnitus are unfortunately looking in all the wrong places.
Many end up searching for something external of themselves, a vitamin, herb, pill, dietary supplement, you name it.
For the vast majority of cases it is a complete myth that you will find tinnitus relief by eating some type of super-food or eliminating coffee, or embarking on a detox or a fast.
We are not saying that you shouldn’t make healthy and positive lifestyle changes and form healthy habits. As these are of course part of a broader holistic picture, a picture that should certainly be addressed in the early stages of any reconditioning program, such as this one.
What we are saying is that the mentality of a quick fix, easy tinnitus cure, will usually only end in disappointment, compounding the stress and frustration you already feel. Although perhaps counter intuitive, it is realistic and healthy to let go of the notion that you’ll find a tinnitus cure that’ll work over night. (However if you do find one, then all the power to you! We are not here to dispel anyone’s success, product, hopes or willingness to try something new)
The good news is there are healthier and ultimately more rewarding and surefire ways to approach tinnitus and inner ear disorders and this is what the Tinnitus Retrain System aims to achieve.

TRS is NOT One Of Those Overnight “QUICK FIX” Tinnitus Cures
The Tinnitus Retrain System Difference
First off, our program is firmly rooted in reality and built upon experience, research and practicality. And we do not use hype or rely on outlandish claims to promote the program.
As mentioned, if there really was a simple, quick fix tinnitus cure, would 500 million people still be suffering from tinnitus? I really do not think so! The cat would for sure be out of the bag by now. The problem is, a lot of people want results, but they are not prepared to really do anything about it.
Our first step is to approach tinnitus logically, realizing that our initial and primary discomfort is an emotional one.
Reality check, acceptance is key
Before we go about addressing the “how” and the “why” regarding your tinnitus, we must address the “have”. Accepting ones tinnitus is easier said than done but it’s a vital step towards habituation and eventual banishment. It is liberating, empowering and exciting when we begin to realize we have some self-control over how we react and feel and that we are not depending on a medication, an expensive professional specialist or a machine to keep our tinnitus at bay.
Our primary lesson is in understanding the emotional dynamics of our tinnitus, upon which the foundation of the program is built. Shifting perception and addressing this fundamental relationship is the first step in a powerful new direction. One that although may seem quite simple at first, has a radical and profound shift on attitude and mood.
It’s only then that we can work on the more cognitive, preventative and therapeutic aspects of the program, in other words, the “how” and the “why”.
So why don’t more Doctors initially treat tinnitus as a psychological condition to help their patients?
Well, they are aware of this fundamental aspect of tinnitus, but simply put, they don’t have the time or the techniques at hand to deal with it in a holistic manner (plus there is no money in it for the pharmaceutical companies).
The medical professional’s answer for troubling tinnitus is usually anti depressants. Which do exactly what we are talking about, simply put they Change your relationship” with the tinnitus.
Are antidepressants a tinnitus cure? I’ll let you be the judge of that.
- The only online, video assisted, self-habituation treatment for tinnitus of its kind
- Developed for tinnitus sufferers by a former tinnitus sufferer
- A complete blueprint for tinnitus habituation and eventual eradication, performed in your own time and at your own speed
- Practical, safe and easy to understand, adjustable to suite any person’s ability, stage or age
- Learn a powerful and unique series of techniques and habits that will change your relationship with tinnitus forever
- Fraction of the cost of habituation therapy and without the hassle and reliance on experts and equipment
- No reliance on specialized equipment, no surgeries, no drugs, no masking devices, no therapies, no flaky lifestyle changes, no uncomfortable fasts, no herbs, no vitamins, no detoxes
- Do not wait around wishing for some miracle super herb, vitamin or drug to heal your tinnitus, let us help you deal directly with your emotional response to the stimuli and go to work on restoring the body to a pre tinnitus state.
- Delivered in a logical, easy to comprehend style, complete with demonstrational videos for easy follow along and visual reference
- Grasp the three fundamentals of tinnitus and adopt the seven pillars of tinnitus eradication and troubling tinnitus will soon be a thing of the past
- I’ll walk with you every step of the way exploring everything from symptoms to diagnosis and everything beyond, we’ll cover all the bases and leave no stone unturned
- Imagine living free from the torment of tinnitus in a relatively short amount of time
- Take back control, feel empowered once more
- Find that new vigor and energy, that you know resides just under the surface
- Stop wasting your precious time, money or energy looking for so called “cures” ignore all of that and just start living today
- Enjoy blissful, restful, deep, quality sleep once more
- Enjoy a social life without the strain, anxiety and exhaustion of having to hear over your tinnitus or straining to join in a conversation
- Enjoy having no reliance on therapy, equipment or powerful medications
- Enjoy not needing to obsess over finding the next great herb, vitamin, drug or remedy, know that what you are embarking on is all you’ll ever need to control your tinnitus
- When you learn to listen beyond tinnitus you’ll be able to dedicate more time and have more energy to the things and the people you love
- Improve your balance, banish nausea, reduce or banish dizzy spells. Increase your range of motion and improve cardiovascular and digestive health
- Improve mental health and clarity, elevate mood, build confidence and enjoy silence and peace of mind once more
- No more exhaustion, no more straining to hear, no more irritation, no more anxiety
- Wake up feeling energized, fresh and full of enthusiasm for the day ahead, free from irritation and strain
- Feel confident that the powerful techniques that you will learn in this program will have not just have a lasting powerful effect on your tinnitus but on many, many aspects of your life.
TRS Group Experiment Participants Experienced The Following:
- Many people were amazed at how quickly and how easily they could grasp the video assisted, self-habituation techniques, which once implemented and practiced quickly, reduced their ringing to a tolerable level
- The feelings of hopelessness and despair were almost immediately replaced with a feeling of empowerment and positivity
- There was a marked reduction in feelings of stress, physical tension, anxiety, agitation, and exhaustion
- A more accepting attitude towards tinnitus was almost immediately felt, making it easier to tolerate daily life and improving mood
- There was a marked reduction in the feelings of dizziness, nausea, pressure and fullness which often accompany ear conditions as well as more tolerant attitude towards the unpleasant symptoms
- Participants reported feeling more energized, vital and alert. More optimistic and generally more relaxed
- Participants felt rejuvenated and more positive with improved personal relationships and work place productivity.
- There was a drastic improvement in quality of sleep, energy, digestion and well-being.
- Participants were surprised and happy that the program did not consist of radical or significant lifestyle changes and was not disruptive to their everyday life.
Get your Tinnitus Retrain System copy now!!